The ‘Notes of Agreement’, along with a signed ‘Agreement to Present’, constitute the entirety of our agreement. It’s like a
contract, except that it’s in plain English. The specifics of your event will be contained in the ‘Agreement to Present’ and once
you sign it, the terms outlined in the ‘Notes of Agreement’ will become binding on you, on us here at SA’s Best Speakers, and on
the Speaker for your event.
Given that we make amendments to these ‘Notes of Agreement’ from time to time, it would be in your best interest to download
and save a copy of this document at the time of confirming your booking, just in case you need to refer back to it at a later
stage. If you don’t, then the terms as published on this website at any time in the future will be considered as the basis of our
agreement, which at that time may be to your detriment.